Buzzell, Welsh & Hill Announces the 3rd Annual College Scholarship Contest

It’s that time again! The Buzzell, Welsh & Hill Annual College Scholarship Contest is back for its third year, once again helping students bring their goals to life. If you’re in college, graduate school or technical school, now is your chance to apply for the $2,500 scholarship—and flex your creative muscles while you’re at it!
For this year’s program, we’re asking applicants to reimagine the driver education process, transforming the test-driven approach into something that helps create more safe, confident and conscientious drivers. We’re looking for text, video, graphics and other media to outline the proposed new curriculum.
You have until April 30th to apply. We’ll choose the most creative entry as the winner in May, awarding the $2,500 scholarship for the 2021 fall semester. If you have a college student in your life (or a rising freshman), be sure to let them know by sharing the application information.