Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer: Who Pays Medical Bills After a Car Accident?

When you’ve been injured in a car crash, one of your biggest concerns is getting the medical treatment you need. In fact, any lawyer in Macon, Ga., would advise you get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible after the wreck. Not only does quick medical attention help head off complications, it creates a record of your injuries for future insurance claims or lawsuits.
Who Pays Medical Bills In A Car Accident
But who pays for those doctors’ visits in the meantime? Even when a car wreck isn’t your fault, it can take time to get a fair settlement. A Macon injury attorney helps speed the process along, but it’s still likely you’ll face bills for an ambulance ride, ER visit or specialists’ appointments before you receive a check from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
How you’ll pay until then depends a lot on what kind of insurance you carry and your personal circumstances. So, if you’ve been injured, what are your options?
Pay using your health insurance. For most folks, paying those first bills with your own health insurance will be the way to go. Sure, you’ll still have co-pays and deductibles to meet, but your health insurance should help cover the bulk of your expenses. The same goes for Medicare and Medicaid. Some health insurance carriers will expect reimbursement for coverage once you receive your settlement, but don’t let that stop you from using the insurance you have. That’s what it’s there for.
Pay using your own car insurance. If you carry personal injury protection, your medical bills are covered up to your policy amount. But, in an effort to keep monthly insurance premiums down, many people who already have health insurance choose not to carry significant personal injury protection. You’ll want to check with your insurance company to find out your coverage limits.
Pay-out of pocket. This one hurts, but while you wait for a settlement, it’s possible you’ll have some out-of-pocket medical expenses. Providers are sometimes willing to negotiate a hold agreement while you wait for your settlement. Essentially, they continue to charge and bill services but agree not to notify collections agencies until your case is resolved. There is also car accident settlement loans, but a Macon car accident lawyer can ideally steer you toward a better financial solution.
Money may be tight right after a car crash, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to take the insurance company’s first offer in an effort to pay pressing car accident medical bills. You may be leaving money on the table, or, worse, find yourself unable to pay for future medical expenses if your injuries prove more extensive than they seem. A Macon attorney can help negotiate with the insurance companies, moving toward a swift, fair resolution.
If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you need a Macon injury attorney. A medical bill lawyer at Buzzell, Welsh & Hill can help make sure you receive a settlement that covers your medical expenses and helps you move on with your life. Call us today for a free consultation.
This is part of a new series from Buzzell, Welsh & Hill on questions to ask a personal injury lawyer. Read our previous post, covering Georgia insurance minimums and liabilities limits, in the archive.