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3 Apps to Stop Texting While Driving


When it comes to driving, it’s extremely important to stay focused on the road and to be completely aware of your surroundings. The VTTI Driver Distraction in Commercial Vehicle Operations study shows that a driver is 23 times more likely to be in an accident if texting while driving.

You may remember our recent blog regarding the consequences of distractions behind the wheel. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper on that subject and provide ways to become a safe driver with a little help from your smartphone.

You might think that avoiding your smartphone altogether is the best way to avoid its distractions, but once you hear the notification telling you that you’ve just received a new message, all the rules seem to be forgotten. Believe it or not, using your smartphone while driving may be your answer to avoiding distractions altogether.

No texting while driving apps

Here are 3 apps that will help you be safe while you’re behind the wheel:

  1. AT&T DriveMode® (Available for Android & BlackBerry) – AT&T DriveMode® is an app that locks your phone when you’re moving 25 mph or above, and will send any message you choose to auto-reply to incoming calls, texts, and emails. Once your speed reaches below the 25 mph mark for 5 minutes, this app to prevent texting while driving will allow you to view your missed messages and alerts.

  2. DriveSafe Mode (Available for iPhone & Android) – DriveSafe Mode sends an alert through email if a phone is in use while driving. It doesn’t block the user from accessing your phone, but it’s a great way to know whether or not your child has been using their device while driving.

  3. Sprint Drive First (Available for Android) – Sprint Drive First blocks access to the phone while driving above a certain speed. Incoming calls and messages will be blocked and won’t allow access until the car is stopped. It also allows access to monitor the phone in order to see if the app has been deactivated.

Let’s face it, you can never be too safe behind the wheel. On average, drivers are taking their eyes off of the road for a total of 23 seconds while texting. With the shocking number of accidents every year, you may want to consider using your smartphone to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of distractions while driving. We recommend giving any of those stop texting and driving apps a try!

Contact the Macon Car Accident Attorneys of Buzzell, Welsh & Hill Today

If you or a family member is the victim of an automobile accident involving distracted driving, the personal injury attorneys of Buzzell, Welsh & Hill can help you get the compensation you deserve. Our dedicated team of attorneys will aggressively pursue your personal injury case to ensure your future is protected. Complete our contact form or call us at (478) 217-2072 today for a free consultation.

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