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What to Do If Your Supplemental Security Income Claim Was Denied


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can be a great way to ensure you and your family can get by. Unfortunately, the government cannot approve all of the claims they receive. Just because your Supplemental Security Income claim was denied doesn’t mean you’re out of options. In fact, you have a 60-day period after your claim has been denied to file an appeal. Learn these facts about Supplemental Security Income and what you should do if you’ve been denied.

Am I Eligible For Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Security Income is a program that pays benefits to disabled children and disabled adults who have a limited source of income. If you think you meet these requirements and have still been denied, don’t give up just yet.

What to Do After You’ve Been Denied

  1. Contact a personal injury attorney with SSI experience to help you understand the reason for the denial and, if possible, file an appeal.

  2. Because there are different decision levels within the Social Security system, there are multiple levels of corresponding appeals. It is important that an attorney reviews your specific denial letter, so the appropriate appeal is filed timely.

An estimated 90% of people who file an appeal have legal representation at their hearing.¹

Now that you know what to do after you’ve been denied, let’s take a moment to see what else you need to know about Supplemental Security Income.

Important Information about Supplemental Security Income

  • The amount of money you may receive is based on internal calculation within the Social Security’s payment center which is based on Federal Law
  • Other sources of income can affect your benefits, including, but not limited workers’ compensation benefits
  • Where you live and who you live with can affect your benefits
  • You are REQUIRED to report any changes to the number of people in your household
  • You are REQUIRED to report all income you receive, from any source

Contact the Macon Attorneys at Buzzell, Welsh & Hill to Handle Your Supplemental Security Income Claim

The Macon attorneys at Buzzell, Welsh & Hill are on your side, and we will protect your rights. With over 90 years of combined experience in every area of personal injury law, we’re here to help you with your Supplemental Security Income case and get you the money you deserve. We do not charge you any fees until you collect.

To schedule a free consultation today, call us at (478) 217-2072 or complete our contact form.

¹ Data Source: Retrieved from Hearings. NOSSCR. 2014.

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